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时间:  2023-09-18   阅读:    作者:  林翠华

  My favorite fruit is apple. Now the apple here is four yuan a kilo, crisp, sweet and delicious, with strong fruit aroma.

  In our supermarket, the ordinary bread is about four yuan a kilo, the slightly better bread is ten yuan a kilo, and the price is still relatively high.

  The celery here is three yuan a kilo, and the strawberries here are not seasonal fruits, So it's more expensive, about 15 yuan a catty


  My dreamDream is the strenth to improve us when we want to give up,is the encouragement when we meet diffculties,is the light to tell us where the way is...So everyone in our life should have his or her own dream,so do I.I want be a teacher one day,and I believe I can acheive .If I can stand in front of the whole class,what satisfied feelings I would have!There are many many lovely faces , many many sincere smiles and many many clean eyes face me.I will try my best to teach them as well as I can.But on the other hand,if I couldn't teach well,or sb. awlays break the rules at school,I would be exhuastivef.But with the efforts and difficulties I meet,I will be sronger and prouder of myself.Simple ,but meaningful ,that's my dream.


